Substrate Calibrations

Substrate Calibrations

A default calibration is applied to your SoilMini and SoilPro devices. We can adjust the calibration to have absolute readings adapted to your media.

How to generate the calibration data?

For each Sigrow Device ID, we request a minimum of 3 different calibration points within the range of your substrate

  • Calibration S Water: we will calibrate at your water holding capacity. (See Appendix below)
    • REFERENCE Substrate Water Holding Capacity. This is the maximum amount of volumetric water content that your substrate can hold.
    • S humidity measured by your Sigrow device (0-100%).
  • Calibration S Pore EC (better after S Water calibration OR simultaneously): we will calibrate at your operation point and up to your golden standard, lab or soil dilution.
    • Reference EC measurement using your current instrument or lab analysis.
    • EC measured by your Sigrow device (0.5-5.0 mS/cm).
    • 🕐
      Take Sigrow Measurements that are stable for at least 1 hour.
      Save time! Calibration is repeatable device to device. So you can save time by doing the calibration for just one device and transferring it to the rest. Let us know in the notes to what Sigrow Device IDs you would like the calibration to be transferred.

      How to report the calibration data?

      Please share the information in a copy of the following spreadsheet:

      Example spreadsheet
      Example spreadsheet

      Send your calibration spreadsheet to

      We will contact you when the calibration factors have been applied.

      Appendix (click to toggle PDF)

      1. Calibration Procedure for Soil Humidity

      2. How to Measure your substrate water holding capacity?