Moving Sensors between Locations

Moving Sensors between Locations

Your Sigrow sensors are "paired" to the central station they are shipped with. Therefore, if you swap sensors between installations with different central stations, they will not automatically appear in the app.

In order for the sensor data to successfully display in the app at its new location, it must be linked to the new central station.

To do this, please contact us at with the following information and we will make the necessary adjustments.

  1. ID of your remote node
  2. ID of current Central Station
  3. ID of the Central Station at the new location.

Unsure what your central IDs are?

Perhaps you've renamed your central station in the app and are unsure what the ID is. Not a problem, go to the configuration menu. This is accessible from the Nodes Map, Charts, and Timelapse pages.

  • scroll down to "Configuration for ....." these numbers are the ID of your central station.

Fig. Example Central ID

The central ID is circled in Orange. In this example, the Central ID is 60444.