Table of content:
- Before installation
- Installation Guide
- After installation
- Installations Examples
Before installation
In the case of self-installing we recommend to have clear:
The installation location in the greenhouse: Using vertical greenhouse pilars are the perfect structure to fix the net radiometer holder with magnets
Ensure 230v electricity availability for the CNv5 gateway.
Installation time: We recommend to install in the early morning (07:00 - 11:00h).
The Net Radiometer Kit Contains:
- CNv5 gateway
- Net Radiometer
- Air+ (connected by wire to the Net radiometer)
- Net Radiometer Holder
- Optional: Air+ holder or chair
Required installations tools:
- UV resistant zip ties
- Scissors: To cut zip ties.
- socket wrench: to fasten the bolts.
Installation Guide
- Placement of the CNv5 gateway (Figure 1).
- Position the gateway within 250 m from the sensors.
- Position the gateway with a direct line of sight of the Sigrow devices.
- Position the gateway in an elevated position minimally 1 m above canopy.
- The centre will lit blue after connecting it to the power plug and when connecting with your Sigrow devices.
- Placement Net radiometer Holder.
- Attach the holder to a vertical greenhouse pillar
- Point the net radiometer holder to the south, south east, or south west.
- Place the holder to the pillar with the magnets (Figure 2).
- Placement Net Radiometer
- Insert the net radiometer inside the holder.
- Position the net radiometer correctly levelled (Figure 3).
- Position the net radiometer a minimum of 0.5 m above the head of the crop canopy.
- Minimise any shadowing effect from above greenhouse structures.
- Avoid placing the sensor directly above heating pipes.
- Use UV resistant zip ties to guide the yellow connecting wire between the net radiometer and Air+ (Figure 4).
- Placement Air+
- The Air+ must be placed a minimum of 10 cm above the crop canopy (Figure 5).
- To prevent water damaging no water should enter from the bottom of the Air+ (Figure 6).
- Note down the IDs of each Sigrow device and link the IDs to the corresponding experiment or location.
- Optional: Take quality pictures of the installation and share these with for a quality check.
After installation
Go to, login with your account have.
Recalibrated every 2 years.
Keep the absorber surface clean using water or alcohol and avoid water condensation onto the mount (Figure 7).
After correct installation of the Net radiometer you can expect measurements between -200 to 1000 W / m2 (Figure 8).
Installations Examples
- Greenhouse Tomato Grower
- Greenhouse Gerbera Grower
- Greenhouse Gerbera Grower
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